I found a version of pitchlite here : pitchlab-lite.en.uptodown.com/.../download and downloaded the apk file. I copied the file, renamed it to extension .zip and unpacked it. The content seems reasonable. I'm not sure if I dare install it, not sure if free from malicious sw or even working. It states it is version 1.0.22 , alas later than applestore's version.
pitchlab pro full version apk 12
Welcome to use our tuner for free online. The app is fully chromatic and therefore the guitar tuner online does also support a variaty of stringed musical instruments. Click on any of the links below to read more about how to use the app for each specific instument. Also, it does work both for electric guitar and acoustic guitar.
The tuner is fully chromatic but if you need a reference of a specific tuning when tuning by ear or if you want to tune any other instrument follow the steps in how to setup the guitar tuner for other instruments 2ff7e9595c